Rules review


  1. Materials for publication must contain results of independent scientific researches of the authors. Subject matter of publications must correspond to the journal’s profile (the title of the journal’s section must be given in the enclosed materials for publication). If the materials are refused for publication
    the author is informed about it by the editors. The article may remain in the backlog of manuscripts up to one year.
  2. The manuscript must be submitted in electronic version and be accompanied by a letter (by fax or by post directly to the editorial board of the journal according to the example given on-line of the ‟Culture and Arts Herald”, signed by the scientific supervisor (for scientific degree applicants) and by the author(s). The author’s signature confirms the lack of plagiarism and incorrect quoting and means his agreement to authorize The Chelyabinsk State Institute of Culture and Arts to distribute both printed and electronic versions of the submitted materials.
  3. The article must contain at least 15-18 pages (including summary and English version); the number of pages for other materials for publication is determined by the editorial board. Materials for publication must meet the following requirements: format A4, margins from each side – 2 cm, line spacing – 1,5; 14 point-type, add-ins of a document: doc or rtf.
  4. The first page of the text must contain the following information:
  • name, family name, patronymic of the author (both in Russian and in English);
  • information about the author (shortly) (scientific degree, including sought for, titles, place of employment, position);
  • approximate date of defense;
  • contact information(operating e-mail, telephone, fax, place of residence and home address);
  • title of the article (in Russian and in English);
  • detailed abstract (200–300 words, in Russian and in English) and keywords (in Russian and in English).
  1. All submitted works will be sent to anonymous reviewing by the editorial board of the journal. Decision about publishing will be made by the editorial board based on the expert marks of reviewers subject to accordance of the submitted materials with the topical direction of the journal and their scientific importance and urgency. The contract with the author is concluded subject to a positive evaluation of the manuscript.
    The reviews received by the author himself and reviews from specialists of the relevant profile do not affect the quality of scientific review by our experts in any way, however, in controversial cases, they will allow us to consider a different point of view and treat the problems posed by the author in a debatable way, as well as expand the number of potential reviewers of our journal.
  2. All materials are strongly advised to be written in a certain logical order including: statement of the problem and analysis of the existing approaches to resolve it; definition of objective and subjective spheres of analysis, putting forward hypotheses and suppositions; description of methods and procedures of their realization; production of basic research results and their scientific interpretation; formulation of basic theoretical conclusions and their argumentation; working out of concrete working recommendations for specialists of the corresponding sphere of activity; list of sources must consist of not less than 10 points including recent years researches results; list of sources in English must be introduced separately (proper names should be transliterated).
  3. The article should be written clear, without a long introduction and repetitions, it must be carefully proofread by the author.
  4. Words shortage (abbreviations) is admitted for key expressions repeated in the text or for often used terms. All abbreviations must be first given in full and shouldn’t exceed 5–6 ones.
  5. Tables (no more than 2–3 ones) and pictures (no more than 3–4 ones) should be given clearly and be entitled; their titles should correspond to the graphs content, all figures in the tables must be thoroughly corrected by the author.
  6. Sources in the by-article bibliographical list should be in alphabetical order and enumerated; each one with a new line. The list should enumerate only the sources that have references in the text. Describing the source up to three names of the authors are mentioned. Bibliographical lists are made according to GOST 7.1-2003. ‟Bibliographical record. Bibliographical description. General requirements and regulations”, electronic resources description according to GOST 7.82-2001. ‟Bibliographical record. Bibliographical description of electronic resources. General requirements and regulations”. Foreign resources in foreign languages follow Russian ones. Names of foreign authors are given in the original transcription. The authors are responsible for the correctness of data in bibliographical list. References to the literature should be given in square brackets [a source number from the literature list, cited pages].
  7. Editorial board preserves a right to reduce the volume and its literacy correcting of the submitted for publication materials without changing their meaning. Editors use e-mail of the authors on every stage of working with manuscripts of materials for publication to contact with that is why the authors must be very attentive when giving their e-mail address. An article that needs retreatment and completeness is sent back to the author with reviewer’s and scientific editor’s remarks. The author must take into consideration all remarks made during reviewing and editing of the article, answer every remark, and in case of disagreement with the reviewer or the editor the author must explain his viewpoint. An article passed through the editorial board’s treatment is sent to the author in Pdf-format for agreement. Without the author’s answer material cannot be published and remains in the backlog of manuscripts until the answer from the author is received.

Editorial Board pledges to send the copies of reviews to the RF Ministry of Education and Science as soon as the corresponding enquiry is received by the Editorial Board. Editorial Board provides persistent storage of scientific article published in the herald and their accessibility.

In case the author violates the terms of editorial board the article is refused for publication and all expended costs are not compensated.


Publishing house address: Chelyabinsk State Institute of Сulture and Arts, 36a Ordzhonikidse ul., office 3601, Chelyabinsk, Russia. Phone/fax: +7 (351) 268-95-22, add. 1-68, 2-06.  E-mail: